
ICMSA-2022 continues the tradition of the important scientific conference on topical problems of Mössbauer spectroscopy and its applications which consolidate scientists from Russia and other countries who work in this field. This series of conferences started in 1985. The previous XV ICMSA conference took place in Sochi, Russia, in 2018.


M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMP UB RAS) is the largest academic institute in the Ural Federal District and Russia’s research flagship in such fields as hyperfine interactions in condensed materials, physics of magnetically ordered systems, materials science, radiation physics, solid state physics at large plastic deformations, the theory of strongly correlated electron systems.


The history of the conference

The conference is a continuation of earlier all-Union and International meetings on nuclear spectroscopic research (1985 – Moscow, 1987 – Grozny, 1989 – Alma-Ata, 1991 – Uzhgorod, 1993 – Dubna), all-Union (all-Russian) and International conferences on the application of Mossbauer spectroscopy in materials science and magnetism (1988 – Kalinin, 1989 – Izhevsk, 1990 – Kazan, 1993 – Izhevsk, 1998 – Izhevsk). Since 2000, the conference has crossed the national borders and acquired the international status and the name "Mössbauer Spectroscopy and its Applications" (2000 – Kazan, 2002 – St. Petersburg, 2004 – Ekaterinburg, 2006 – Izhevsk, 2009 – Ekaterinburg, 2012 – Suzdal, 2014 – Suzdal, 2016 – Kazan, 2018 – Sochi).