
Online registration is available through the personal account 

Abstract submission

Abstracts should be submitted on a specialized tab in Personal account.

All abstracts should be submitted in MS Word (*.doc, *.docx) format via the Abstract Submission Form only which is available using the personal account at the Conference website. Abstracts submitted by email, fax, or regular mail will not be considered. Participants can check their submission using the personal account, therefore, no confirmation about abstracts receiving will be sent. The authors will be able to read, open, change and delete any of their abstracts using the personal account.

All abstracts must be written in English. The authors should use the Word template. For Russian-speaking authors, along with the English version, you must submit the text in Russian.

The abstracts should be limited within two pages including text, figures, tables, acknowledgements, references, etc.

All figures (in *.pdf, *.eps, *.ps, *.tiff, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png formats; referred to as: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, ...) should be inserted in the text, leaving enough space so that the caption would not be confused with the text. All figures should be also submitted as separate files. The resolution of all figures should be at least 300 dpi.

If you have any questions regarding abstract preparation and submission, please, contact us via email: